Gobble, Gobble, Gobble!
Are you ready to go turkey hunting?
To me, there are few thrills in hunting that can compare to that of bringing a mature tom turkey to the call. The sight and sounds of that big bird strutting and gobbling makes every hair on my body stand straight up with excitement. Even after the several hundred turkey gobblers I’ve had in my face, it is an adrenaline rush that just never seems to dull. If you’re ready to enjoy that sort of fun yourself, check out what we can offer you here at 
1A Hunting in Texas Guide Service.
We work with several Texas ranches, of all sizes, to insure that we can put you in an area with a good number of rio grande turkeys. We are very experienced at turkey hunting, so we know how to get you set up on a bird properly, how to work a variety of calls, what calls to make, and when to make them. That usually results in a close encounter of the gobbler kind. 
My personal success rate on guided hunts for spring turkey hunting in Texas, has been 100% for the past 5 years. There has been some misses, but I can’t hardly be blamed for those. I just get them up there for you to shoot at — you have to make the shot count!
We also offer semi-guided and unguided spring turkey hunts.
So, pattern up that shotgun and come on; 

I love chasing rio grande gobblers across Texas. It is estimated that we have more than 750,000 of them in the state. That means Texas has more birds than any other state in the U.S. That means, when conditions are right, you can hear more toms in a single day than many spring hunters hear in a year! I have shot as many as three mature birds in one day, and actually have had the chance to shoot more than that on a few trips, but TPWD only gives us just so many tags. That’s all right though, it leaves that many more for YOU to come and shoot!
2006 spring turkey hunting update. A decent year despite the drought! Fortunately, carry over in the adult turkey populations from perfect reproduction from the three prior years has left us with a more than adequate number of turkey. The toms were a bit reluctant to run to a call in the super dry, warm conditions, but they were workable on most occasions, and my personally guided shooting opportunity rate remains VERY high (over 95%). Several of my clients had multiple chances at birds.  I also put over a dozen adult gobblers on video this spring. That’s even more fun than shooting one, if you ask me!
2007 spring turkey hunting update. Well, we went from too little rain to too much rain. To get a year of normal rainfall in Texas would be, well, NOT normal. In most years, it’s either way over or way under the average. This one was wet, Wet, WET! As you may know, gobblers don’t respond too well in the rain, so my overall success rates were not up to snuff, yet somehow, I managed to keep my personally guided opportunity rates pretty darned high (over 90%).
2008 spring turkey hunting update. If you don’t mind shooting Jakes (one year old toms), this was an awesome year. We had young toms seemingly everywhere. I had one day that I called in over 25 total, and had 18 in front of me at one time. But, if you were strictly looking for longbeards, this was the toughest year of spring turkey hunting that I’ve ever had in Texas. We had the chance to shoot a total of 8 mature birds all season. I’ve called in that many mature birds in one day several times before, not for a season!
The good news is:
we should have two year old toms in abundance for 2009, and they are usually suckers for a call, yet get nice 8 to 10 inch beards in Texas. It should be a great year!